Character Analysis
Sacha Goodman: is a multi-talented young girl whose dream is to become a Broadway star. Sacha is has the ability to fulfill her dream but she is trapped in a cocoon of limitation because in her mind she feels imprisoned by her own fears, self-doubt and lack of belief in herself. Sacha falls asleep and has a dream. In her imagination she meets Sam the Snake, Dolly the Duck and Ray the Rat, Martin the Frog who are under the spell of impossible by Harriet the Horrible Owl. Each one of the characters personifies Sacha’s own fears and self-doubt. Sacha also meets Lula the Magic Godmother and the Goodie who guide her through the Forest of Imagination. When Sacha saves Martin the Frog from being destroyed by Harriet the Horrible Owl, Sacha becomes transform by love. She conquers her fears and finds the courage within. Sacha is able to break out of her cocoon and spread her wings and fly.
Sacha Goodman: is a multi-talented young girl whose dream is to become a Broadway star. Sacha is has the ability to fulfill her dream but she is trapped in a cocoon of limitation because in her mind she feels imprisoned by her own fears, self-doubt and lack of belief in herself. Sacha falls asleep and has a dream. In her imagination she meets Sam the Snake, Dolly the Duck and Ray the Rat, Martin the Frog who are under the spell of impossible by Harriet the Horrible Owl. Each one of the characters personifies Sacha’s own fears and self-doubt. Sacha also meets Lula the Magic Godmother and the Goodie who guide her through the Forest of Imagination. When Sacha saves Martin the Frog from being destroyed by Harriet the Horrible Owl, Sacha becomes transform by love. She conquers her fears and finds the courage within. Sacha is able to break out of her cocoon and spread her wings and fly.
Olive Goodman: is an attractive forty-five year woman. Olive has been living with regret for twenty-five years because she gave up on her dream of becoming a Prima Ballerina. Olive regrets that she did not fulfill her dream so she was determined to stop Sacha from making the same mistake. Olive did not want to see her daughter to continue with the cycle of broken dreams.
Marcus Goodman: is a handsome forty-five year old. He is very distinguish, he is a family man that loves his family and he is protective of his family. He is very supportive of his daughter Sacha’s dream. Magic Goodmother: is gentle, warm, caring and compassionate. When she sings her melodious voice is like a sweet symphony playing softly in the air. She is an angelic, mystical Goddess from the Kingdom of Akasha. The Magic Goodmother represents love and light in the Forest of Imagination. She plays a crucial, pivotal role throughout the play because she is the mystical storyteller. The Magic Goodmother guides and nurtures Sacha on her journey through the forest of imagination. She encourages Sacha to follow her heart and find the Bridge to Forever in order fulfill her dream. She represents Sacha’s super consciousness. Goodie: is very whimsical and funny. She is playful and delightful. Harriet the Owl: is the ruler of the Place of Impossible in the Forest of Imagination. She is mean and evil. Harriet is ruthless, corrupt and controlling. She keeps Dolly the Duck, Sam the Snake, Ray the Rat and Martin the Frog trapped in the Place of Impossible. She intimidates them and treats them as her puppets. Harriet is obsessed with power and control. When Sacha enters the Place of Impossible Harriet tries to put Sacha her under the Spell of Impossible. When Martin the Frog tries to save Sacha from the Spell of Impossible Harriet becomes furious and attempts to destroy him. Martin the Frog: is the leader who is the instigator of change in the Place of Impossible. He represents the champion spirit that Sacha is lacking. Martin is held captive in the Place of Impossible by Harriet the horrible Owl, she wants to make him one of her puppets like the other creatures, but she cannot break his indomitable spirit. This struggle creates a constant battle between them. Even though Martin is trapped in the body of a frog deep down in his heart he believes he is not a frog. He feels he belongs in another time and place far away across the Bridge to Forever. He believes that one day he will escape from the Place of Impossible and live out his true destiny. When Martin meets Sacha in the Place of Impossible he is enchanted by her, and risks his life to save her from the spell of Impossible. Ray the Rat: is the leader of the pack who is under the Spell of Impossible. He wants to be king of the mountain. He is sneaky, devious and deceitful. Ray the Rat is controlling and egocentric. He loves to be the center of attention. He enjoys intimidating Dolly the Duck and giving orders to the group. He is full of words with sound and fury that have no meaning. He conjures up a scheming fake plan to escape from Harriet the Owl, but when he gets caught he becomes a two-face lying Rat and puts the blame on Dolly the Duck. When Ray meets Sacha in the forest he takes center stage and becomes very braggadocios about him being a real Cool Cat. He is an imposture. Sam the Snake: is a creature that is under the Spell of Impossible in Forest of Imagination. He represents one of the physiological manifestations of Sacha’s subconscious mine. He is beguiling, vile, unscrupulous and despicable. He enjoys being mischievous. Dolly the Duck: is another creature that is under the Spell of Impossible in the Forest of Imagination. She represents the weak and timid side of the physiological manifestations of Sacha’s subconscious mind. Dolly the Duck is schizophrenic and confused. Dolly the Duck is always afraid and thinks about everything. Because of her weak and timid personality she becomes the perfect target for Ray the Rat to intimidate and control. When Ray the Rat conjures up the plan to escape from Harriet the Owl and he got caught, Ray puts the blame on Dolly, and she takes it. King Akaash: is a handsome, young, charismatic king. He is the son of the Emperor of Akasha, and the sole heir to the Kingdom of Akasha. In order for King Akaash to rule the Kingdom of Akaasha he has to find true love. King Akaash's friend Ego the Warlock betrayed him and cast the Spell of Impossible and turned King Akaash into an old ugly hump back, bubbled eyed old frog so that it would be impossible for anyone to love him. Ego: is a back stabbing, evil, dishonest, untrustworthy, cunning and conniving warlock who live in the palace. He pretends to be an angel of light and a friend to King Akaash, but in truth he is a deceiver and represents pure darkness. He is jealous and envious of King Akaash. Ego deceives and betrays King Akaash by stealing the golden key to prevent King Akaash from ruling over the Kingdom of Akasha. When King Akaash banishes him from the palace, Ego cast the evil Spell of Impossible and turns King Akaash into an ugly, old, hump back, bubbled eyed frog. Ego is a true chameleon who disguises himself as Harriet the horrible Old so he can keep King Akaash imprisoned in the body of a frog. Ego is obsessed with power and will try to obtain it no matter the cost. Ego is King Akaash’s ultimate enemy and ultimate test. |